Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Operation Sauce Drop Photos

This is just one of several photos from our troops who have received sauce gift boxes as part of Operation Sauce Drop. You can see more photos, and read thank-you notes from soldiers, at the official Operation Sauce Drop Feedback page. Regardless on where you stand on the war, we should all be in agreement that the men and women serving overseas deserve our support, and need to know that folks back home are thinking of them and wish them well.

There are plenty of "support the troops" programs out there, so why should you support Operation Sauce Drop? For two reasons: first, Operation Sauce Drop lets a serviceperson select something for themselves, to suit their personal taste in food - a luxury or treat, if you wish, as opposed to a "necessity" (think cool toy instead of underwear for Christmas). Second, Operation Sauce Drop helps bring a taste of home to our military personnel spending time away from family and friends, especially as the holidays approach. Think back to the first time you went away from your childhood home for a long time - maybe it was a sleepaway summer camp, or maybe it was college, or maybe a job, marriage or military service caused you to relocate. I bet one of the things you missed the most was a homecooked meal, a favorite food, or the flavors and seasonings you were used to. By donating to Operation Sauce Drop, you can help our deployed servicemen and women enjoy a taste of home while stationed overseas. This can really make a difference (as you can read from the feedback), especially with Thanksgiving (a major food holiday!) around the corner, followed by Christmas, Hannukah, and other holiday celebrations.

As of this post, there are 92 servicemen and women waiting for their gift box. The average cost (with shipping) to send a gift box is around $20. Won't you please give something - just $5 will help - to send a taste of home to a soldier serving abroad? They will thank you for it, and appreciate it more than you think.

Zestfully yours,

PS: Mention this Blog when you make a donation, and as a personal thank-you I'll send you a coupon for 10% off the product total the next time you order from the Carolina Sauce Company.

1 comment:

  1. To go with the sauce how about a song about home:

    The author of I Wanna Go Home, Karridine, has authorized me to give away 1,000 free copies of the song to our men and women in the military for personal use only. However, recipients of a free copy can let anybody listen to it if they want. Members of the military can put it on their i-pod, use it on their computer, or make one CD.

    You can find out how to get a free copy at 1,000 Free Copies.

    If you want a copy for review e-mail me. My e-mail address is on the sidebar.
