Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Walkerswood Jonkanoo is Back in Stock!

Walkerswood Jonkanoo Pepper Sauce, a festive and fiery hot sauce from Jamaica, is finally back in stock at the Carolina Sauce Company. Made with a blend of Caribbean chile peppers, scallions, garlic and onions, Walkerswood Jonkanoo pleases the palate with serious savory flavor as well as serious heat, and just a touch of sweetness as a pleasant counterpoint to the zestiness. Because it's such a food-friendly sauce, Jonkanoo Pepper Sauce is found on the table of many a fan of spicy foods. Even if you don't care for Jamaican jerk seasonings, you'll still enjoy Walkerswood Jonkanoo as its flavors are more along the lines of a traditional Caribbean hot sauce, and not a pungent jerk seasoning.

If you're one of the many chileheads out there who enjoys Walkerswood Jonkanoo, or if you're on the fence about trying it, stop hesitating and order it now: Rumors continue to fly that Walkerswood might not be making "retail size" bottles of their products anymore, so we might not be able to re-stock when we run out!

Zestfully yours,

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