Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sa-Mokin Barbeque Sauce

A while back, I wrote about Greg's new & improved recipe for smoky baked beans and mentioned that he had used a new barbecue sauce under consideration for the Carolina Sauce Company online store. Well, that unnamed sauce passed all our requirements for new products with flying colors, and I'm pleased to announce that Sa-Mokin Barbeque Sauce is now available at the Carolina Sauce Company! Winner of top awards at state competitions and recently finishing 7th among dozens of commercial entries at the prestigious American Royal National Barbeque Championship in Kansas City, the Sa-mokin Barbeque Sauce we sell is the original championship recipe. The flavor is bold, rich and hearty, with palate-pleasing layers of sweetness, smokiness, tang and peppery spice. The consistency is thick, making it ideal for slathering on ribs (pork or beef) and other meat cuts for the grill. And yes, it also makes killer barbecue chicken, and even tastes good on grilled portobello mushrooms. In addition to being a delicious flavor booster for baked beans, we like to use Sa-Mokin Barbeque Sauce in meatloaf and hamburger recipes. This winner of a sauce is currently on sale, so you have no excuse not to try it today!

Zestfully yours,

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