Monday, December 15, 2008

New Operation Sauce Drop Milestone: Over 400 Gift Boxes Shipped!

Today, Operation Sauce Drop reached a new milestone: We shipped our 400th free gift box of barbecue sauce and hot sauce to US troops serving overseas! Specifically, as of today Operation Sauce Drop has sent free gift boxes of delicious sauces to 405 troops stationed at APO and FPO addresses, at absolutely no cost to them. Operation Sauce Drop is made possible by donations from regular folks, people like you who want to send a little taste of home to our deployed military personnel, to let them know they're thought of and appreciated back home. The Carolina Sauce Company matches 100% of all donations, and the program is completely nonprofit, with Carolina Sauce donating the labor and covering all incidental costs so as to ensure that all donated funds are used solely for the cost of the sauces (at cost) and the cost of shipping. The troops can select a gift box of their choice, or a loved one or friend can sign up a serviceman with an APO/FPO address and select a gift box to be sent to them. The troops truly appreciate the generosity and thoughtfulness of Operation Sauce Drop donors, as you can see from the photographs and thank-you notes they've sent.

While shipping 405 free gift boxes is indeed an impressive milestone, and one that couldn't have been reached without the contributions of many, there still is a long list of troops waiting to receive a free gift box of sauce. Gift box requests continue to outpace donataions, to the extent that there are currently 328 troops waiting for their free gift boxes. The average cost for us to purchase and ship one gift box is about $20, and gift boxes are purchased and shipped as donations come in. Because the Carolina Sauce Company matches all donations, all it takes is $10 and you can help us send a free gift box of sauce to one of our deployed servicemen on our waiting list. If you have already donated to Operation Sauce Drop in the past, please accept my heartfelt thanks and the thanks of our troops. If you haven't yet contributed or if you'd like to help again, here's the link to donate to Operation Sauce Drop. You can also shop to support Operation Sauce Drop and treat yourself to some zesty salsas and dry rub (100% of the purchase price of those items goes straight to Operation Sauce Drop). And if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the Carolina Sauce Company. Thank you for your consideration.

Zestfully yours,

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