Monday, March 30, 2009

Thank a Soldier for their Service

Operation Sauce Drop is a non-profit program of the Carolina Sauce Company that sends free gift boxes of hot sauce and BBQ sauce to US troops serving abroad. The mission of Operation Sauce Drop is to deliver a little taste of home to our brave servicemen and women, at no charge to them, to let them know we're thinking of them back home and to say Thank You for their service and their sacrifice. The average cost to purchase (at wholesale, no markup) and ship a gift box of sauce is around $20, and this is made possible by donations from individuals, which are matched 100% by the Carolina Sauce Company. Operation Sauce Drop is also funded through the sale of products donated by manufacturers, where 100% of the purchase price of the product goes straight into the Operation Sauce Drop account - the Carolina Sauce Company does not make a single penny from the sale of these donated products.

To date, Operation Sauce Drop has shipped 498 free gift boxes of sauce to our military personnel stationed abroad. The troops greatly appreciate the gift boxes, as you can see from their thank you notes to donors and the photos on our Operation Sauce Drop Feedback & Photos page. Unfortunately, the program has a waiting list of over 320 troops who have signed up for a free gift box (or a loved one has submitted their name and requested that their serviceman or woman receive a free gift box). We haven't been able to send out any more free gift boxes since early March because Operation Sauce Drop is out of money (we haven't received a donation since early March).

Despite these tough economic times, the Carolina Sauce Company will continue to match 100% of all donations, and to cover all incidental expenses and donate the labor involved in order to keep sending our brave servicemen and women a free gift of zesty sauces to add some flavor – and a taste of home – to their chow. As mentioned above, the average cost to purchase and ship a free gift box of sauce to a deployed soldier is about $20. Because we match all donations, a mere $10 donation is all it takes to say thank you to our troops, and let a soldier know you care. And just $5 gets us halfway to sending a free gift box, which is also a big help. Another way to support Operation Sauce Drop while treating yourself to something delicious is to Shop to Support Operation Sauce Drop, where *the entire price* of the product you purchase for yourself is donated directly to Operation Sauce Drop. Need another reason to support Operation Sauce Drop? How about the following thank-you note from the mother of a sailor on the USS San Antonio:

"Hey, Gloria, I just wanted to let you know the box of hot sauce arrived safely and on Valentine's Day, no less! Great timing, huh? Here is the email I got from Nicholas [her son] this morning:

I got some hot sauces in the mail today? Lol did you get me some? They said there was no charge, but it had your email on it… lol habenero? :D that’s gonna be some spicy meatballs… Thank you mom J.

That boy loves his hot sauce. I told him that Habanero is Spanish for " you laugh while my hair is on fire" so that one should be a good one. Thank you again for going to so much effort to send the box to him. He loves getting mail and he needed to be cheered up a little. One of his friends was lost at sea during a training accident on February 4th. This was the first email since that happened in which he sounded like he was feeling better. Your company is doing a really nice thing by sending hot sauce to the military. They need our support more that you can imagine.

Thanks again,

Please consider making a donation to Operation Sauce Drop, or ordering yourself some delicious Pepper Dog Salsas and Dry Rub and knowing that the entire purchase price will go towards thanking a soldier with a free gift box of sauce.

Zestfully yours,

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