Monday, May 30, 2011

Just A Minute

Hey there, got a minute?

Yeah, I know, you're really busy today if you're stuck working like I am.... but you'll probably take a few minutes at some point during the workday to check Facebook, or to visit your favorite news website, or chat with a colleague in the break room. So yes, you have a minute, if you think about it.

And if you're not working today, then you're probably very busy preparing for your big Memorial Day cookout, or getting ready to spend the day at the beach, or otherwise running around with a hectic day planned.... but you'll still find time today to go online, or turn on the TV, or just take a break.

If you stop and think about it, we all have a minute.

One minute to consider what today, Memorial Day, is really all about. It's a day to remember and honor the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country, who gave their lives on our behalf. Take a minute and think what the world would be like if the Civil War or World War II had turned out differently: Would you even be here? Imagine what it must be like to be told that your child, spouse, or best friend had been killed while serving in Vietnam. Or to watch your buddy die in combat in Iraq.

You may not have time today to watch your town's parade, or to place a flag on a soldier's grave at the cemetery, or to visit a local war memorial. And it's certainly not wrong to spend today having fun outdoors, or shopping, or otherwise having a good time--after all, we're able to enjoy our freedom because of the brave men and women of our armed forces.

But no matter what your plans are today, you can probably pause for a minute to remember our fallen heroes, and to offer up a silent thank-you for their service and their sacrifice.

Zestfully yours,

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