Thursday, May 30, 2013

Squeal Like A Pig Hillbilly Hot Sauce

Squeal Like A Pig Hillbilly Hot SauceAccording to legend, this flame-red, painfully hot habanero pepper sauce traces its origins to an old hillbilly recipe discovered in an abandoned moonshine still by an extreme raft guide lost in the West Virginia mountains.

When finally rescued, the poor guide was found clutching an empty Mason jar and a tattered, yellowed piece of paper with the hand-scrawled recipe as he babbled incoherently, with an occasional pig-like squeal punctuating his mad ramblings. The only word that his rescuers could make out was, "Hot!"

And thus goes the legend of Squeal Like A Pig Hillbilly Hot Sauce.

Whether you're into whitewater rafting, or a native of wild and wonderful West Virginia, or a fan of the movie "Deliverance," or merely someone who appreciates the fiery power of a classic habanero hot sa
uce, Squeal Like A Pig Hot Sauce will have you begging for mercy and squealing like a pig if you get careless.

Buy Squeal Like A Pig Hot Sauce online at the Carolina Sauces website, especially if you want it in time for a Father's Day gift.

Zestfully yours,

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