Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Last-Minute Recipes & Cooking Tips for Thanksgiving & Hanukkah

Thanksgiving recipes
Browse our Thanksgiving Recipes
This post is for anyone who might still be planning their menu for Thanksgiving or Hanukkah.

It's also for anyone in search of last-minute recipes, food ideas and cooking tips for either holiday.

By the way, did you know that Thanksgiving and the first full day of Hanukkah fall on the same day this year? Apparently this is an extremely rare occurrence, and is causing some stress among families celebrating both holidays, both in terms of meal planning, coordinating time with relatives, and properly marking or observing both holidays.

I am here to help, whether you're celebrating either Hanukkah or Thanksgiving, or both -- or neither and simply like to read my blog or learn new recipes and cooking tips.

As to Thanksgiving:  Over the years I've shared numerous Thanksgiving recipes and turkey tips on this blog. You can search for them using the search box on the top left of this blog, or, to save time, you can visit us on Pinterest and browse through our Thanksgiving Recipes & Seasonings board on Pinterest, where we've gathered the best of our recipes, cooking tips and seasonings for this holiday. All of the pins there link back to the original recipe or blog post or product page.

Hanukkah recipes
Browse our Hanukkah Recipes
As to Hanukkah:  On this blog I've shared Hanukkah recipes, too, albeit not nearly as many as for Thanksgiving. I've also posted information on Kosher products available from the Carolina Sauces online store. You can search this blog for all of those posts, or you can check out our Hanukkah Recipes board on Pinterest (where you'll also find recipes appropriate for Rosh Hashanah and Passover) and also our Kosher Products board on Pinterest. Click on any pin of interest on either board to go directly to the original recipe, blog post or product page.

We hope these tidbits of information help reduce any food-related stress or anxiety you may be experiencing on the eve of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah. If you find any particular pin to be of help, please feel free to repin or "like" it there, or leave us a comment on Pinterest or here below.

Zestfully yours,

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