Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Dave's Insanity Private Reserve 2008 - Update

According to the folks at Dave's Gourmet, the long-awaited release of their 2008 edition of Dave's Insanity Sauce Private Reserve is........

(drumroll, please).......

imminent. No, it's not here yet, unfortunately. But our supplier expects to have it around mid-March, which means we should be able to have it in stock shortly after we re-open for business on March 17th. Historically, each edition of Dave's Insanity Private Reserve sells out very quickly, and once a "vintage" sells out, it's gone for good because Dave makes a limited quantity each year. If you don't want to lose out on owning the 2008 edition of Dave's Private Reserve Insanity Sauce, go ahead and place your order now - I'll put you on our waiting list, and orders will be filled on a first-come first-served basis. And stay tuned to this blog: as soon as we receive our stock of the 2008 edition of Dave's Private Reserve Insanity Sauce, I'll be announcing it here.

Zestfully yours,

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