Friday, August 27, 2010

How to Get Carolina Sauce Co. Coupons

Folks sometimes ask us how they can get coupons to use at the Carolina Sauce Company online store, so I thought it might be helpful to post here the different ways you can find (and receive!) coupons for special discounts off your favorite zesty products.

1. Sign up for the Carolina Sauce Company eNewsletter: Our FREE newsletter is emailed once a month to folks who subscribe, and each issue is chock-full of zesty information including tips for cooking, grilling and more; a Recipe of the Month; coupons and exclusive sales; brief reviews of the latest new products and other savory news. And sometimes you can even receive one or more free gifts, as those of you who've received our past Halloween newsletters know! Subscribe here to receive the monthly eNewsletter -- and yes, you can unsubscribe anytime, and no, we will NOT share your email with anyone else, ever.

2. Follow SaucyGlo on Twitter: I'll tweet special Twitter-only coupons, usually good only for a day or two -- plus you'll get the scoop on hot news at Carolina Sauce including back-in-stock products, upcoming events, links to recipes, cool restaurants and more. Follow me on Twitter.

3. Read this Blog: I'll post special blog-only coupons here from time to time. Better yet, subscribe to the free RSS feed for this blog and that way you'll find out immediately about blog-only coupons, special Carolina Sauce sales & more. Plus, you'll get recipes, product reviews, updated best-seller lists, etc. to help spice up your life. Simply use the "Subscribe to" fields on the left-hand column, below the click-boxes and above the "Blog Archive."

Zestfully yours,

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