Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Buderim Ginger Bears Update

If you're a fan of Buderim Ginger Bears, the zippy Australian gummy bears that are made with real ginger, you'll want to read this update on their status. As you may already know, it's been extremely difficult to keep this popular gummy candy in stock due to continuing production problems in Australia and importing difficulties in the USA. First, there's the blight that's been decimating ginger plants in Australia. Then there's the typically s-l-o-w process of clearing US customs with the shipping containers of bulk ginger bears. The good news is that the latest shipment from Australia has finally cleared customs and Buderim USA is ready to begin the packing process (the bulk ginger bears are bagged and labeled for retail sale here in the United States).

The bad news is that the FDA has not cleared the container yet, and according to Buderim USA the FDA is terribly backlogged. Apparently the FDA inspection has to take place at Buderim USA's warehouse, but the inspection date has yet to be set by the FDA. Buderim USA can't schedule the retail bag production date until the FDA clears the product. And without a production date on the schedule yet, they can't possibly know when the packed ginger bears will be ready to ship to our warehouse here in North Carolina. So, everything hinges on the FDA right now, and we can only hope they get around to inspecting the ginger bears shipment sooner rather than later.

In the meantime, we are keeping a list of people who want to be notified when the Buderim Ginger Bears are back in stock at the Carolina Sauce Company. If you would like to get on our list, just send us an email (sales"AT"carolinasauce"DOT"com) asking to be placed on our Ginger Bears waiting list. Once we know the ginger bears are packed and on the way to our warehouse, we'll notify you via email, re-activate our "order" page and begin taking pre-orders. I'll be providing status updates on this blog whenever I have more information from Buderim, so keep checking back (or subscribe to the RSS feed by filling in your info in the "Subscribe To" fields on the left column).

Zestfully yours,

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