Friday, March 8, 2013

Low-Carb Recipe: Broiled Avocado Tuna Melts

If you're on a carb-restricted diet, here is a low-carb alternative to traditional tuna melt sandwiches. Instead of using bread, the "base" is an avocado half. Broiling gives the avocado a buttery texture and enhances the richness of the flavors in this dish.

The following recipe is quite flexible: You can substitute a quarter cup of salsa for the garlic, pepper, onion & tomato; or add a few dashes of hot sauce to the tuna filling; use chopped cooked shrimp or crab meat instead of tuna; or use a different hot pepper or cheese (in fact, shredded cheese would probably produce a more attractive look). Let your imagination and taste buds be your guide.

My Broiled Avocado Tuna Melts recipe makes either 2 or 4 servings: As a main course, plan on 1 avocado per person. As a hearty appetizer, "salad" or snack, plan on half an avocado per person. And yes, you can multiply this recipe as needed.

2 ripe but firm avocados*
1 can (5 to 7 oz) tuna, drained
1 garlic clove, minced
1 tsp minced jalapeno
1/4 tsp onion powder
Salt & pepper to taste (I added about 1/4 tsp sea salt & a few twists from my pepper mill)
1/4 cup diced tomato
1 or 2 slices Swiss cheese
Chili Powder or other ground chile pepper powder

*The avocados should "give" a little when you press at the stem end, but they shouldn't be soft or mushy and should still be fairly firm.

Combine the tuna, garlic, jalapeno, onion powder, salt & pepper in a bowl and use a fork to flake the tuna and combine everything. Cut the avocados in half, remove pits, then use a spoon to carefully scoop out most of the flesh, leaving about 1/4" to create a "bowl." Place the scooped-out avocado flesh in the bowl with the tuna mixture and use fork to mash together and thoroughly combine. Fold the tomatoes into this tuna-avocado mixture.

Place the avocado halves, cut side up, on a foil-covered broiler pan. Spoon the tuna-avocado filling evenly into the hollowed-out avocado halves.

Tear the cheese into small strips and place over the stuffed avocado halves (you might not need 2 full slices, so feel free to snack on any leftover pieces). Sprinkle with chili powder. Place broiler pan in oven on 2nd rack from the top broiler, turn on broiler and broil until cheese is bubbly and begins to brown, about 3 minutes or so (keep your eye on them so they don't burn). Serve hot.

Zestfully yours,

PS: If you're searching for low-carb or no-carb sauces & seasonings, be sure to visit the Carolina Sauces online store and browse our extensive selection of low-carb/no-carb products.

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