Friday, November 30, 2007

Operation Sauce Drop Milestone

As of today, Operation Sauce Drop has sent out 99 free gift boxes of sauce to US military personnel stationed abroad. This means that on Monday, the 100th Operation Sauce Drop gift box will ship out, along with several more gift boxes. We couldn't have done this without the generosity of our donors (60 of them to date), and we send out a heartfelt THANK YOU to all of you who have contributed funds to Operation Sauce Drop. The troops also are expressing their gratitude, with thank you notes and photos that you can read and see on our Operation Sauce Drop Feedback Page. Time permitting, I plan on adding a few more recently-received notes and photos to that page over the weekend.

Now for the other news: As of tonight, we have 71 troops still waiting to receive a gift box (and some have been on this list for a month now). We have enough funds to send out a few more boxes on Monday December 3rd, and I've been told that a donor will be contributing $100 next week (which will help send out another 5 gift boxes, since they average about $20 with shipping and insurance). But at best that means we might be able to send out up to 14 gift boxes off the waiting list next week IF that promised donation comes in AND we can purchase the inventory in time - and new gift box requests continue to come in. Looming on the horizon like a storm cloud is the first deadline for shipping gift boxes in time for Christmas, this coming Tuesday, December 4th (for Priority Mail packages going to 093 zip codes).

I received a touching email from a Marine Corps Administrative Support Assistant, asking if we could please add two Marines to the Operation Sauce Drop Gift Box list. The writer explained that these two young men are single, and haven't received any packages from anyone the entire time that they've been deployed. Of course, I gladly added their names to the list so that they could receive Operation Sauce Drop gift boxes (and I crossed my fingers and said a prayer for more donations to come in soon so that we could send their gift boxes before the holidays).

So how about it - can you spare a little dough to help bring a smile to a deployed soldier's face, and help him or her spice up their chow with a taste of home or a favorite hot sauce? No amount is too small, and 100% of all funds received are used solely to purchase the gift boxes at cost (not retail) and pay for shipping. Plus, the Carolina Sauce Company chips in to cover the incidental costs associated with each donation and gift box (e.g., credit card transaction fees, internet transaction fees etc.), ensuring that all donated funds are used solely for gift boxes and shipping costs. To make a contribution, please go to the Operation Sauce Drop Donation Page. And please email the link to anyone you think might be willing to contribute, or post the link on your blog or website or forum. For more information on Operation Sauce Drop, just visit the Operation Sauce Drop Main Page and the Operation Sauce Drop Feedback Page. THANK YOU, not just from me, but from our brave servicemen and women serving abroad!

Zestfully yours,

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