From the makers of the ultra-hot
Black Mamba Hot Sauce comes this even hotter creation,
Mongoose Hot Sauce. In nature, even the deadliest, most venomous snake is no match for the fierce mongoose. The same is true with hot sauces: Made with the exotic and fiery Fatalii pepper plus a hefty portion of incendiary Bhut or Naga Jolokia ghost peppers, Mongoose Extreme Hot Sauce is unforgiving and unrelenting from the first bite to the last--and then some. If you can't find anything hot enough to satisfy your yearn for the burn, give the Mongoose a try and you'll probably have met your match. And if you're a regular consumer of super-hot hot sauces but are often disappointed with their general lack of flavor--or worse yet, their unpleasant aftertaste when spiked with capsaiacin extract--Mongoose Hot Sauce will be a welcome addition to your food. This ultra-hot tastes like the peppers it's made from, and it contains no artificial ingredients or extracts.
As with all
extreme hot sauces, exercise caution when playing with the Mongoose as it has a vicious bite. Keep away from children and pets, avoid contact with eyes and other sensitive areas, and begin with a single drop at a time to gauge your tolerance.
Mongoose Hot Sauce is currently on sale at the
Carolina Sauce Company online store.
Zestfully yours,
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