December Coupon Sale: 10% Off!

Looking for a tasty and memorable Christmas gift for someone special? Check these out:
*For the serious hot sauce collector or the person who claims nothing is hot enough, our HOTTEST item is Da Bomb The Final Answer, packing a 1.5 million SHU (scoville heat unit) punch that's THREE TIMES HOTTER than military-grade pepper spray. Comes in a lock-and-key display case for added effect (and to keep it out of little hands!). We also have a "Make Your Own Ultra-Hot Pepper Extract Kit" that comes with a sealed vial of 16 million SHU capsaiacin crystals, tweezer forceps, lab gloves, surgical mask and other essentials for making super-hot sauces at home. Additional ultra-hot products are listed on our Pepper Extracts page and Hottest Hot Sauces page.
*For the person who wishes they could spend the winter in the Caribbean, our Caribbean Gift Set provides a little taste of paradise with 4 different full-size bottles of authentic Caribbean hot sauces. And for the more adventurous palate, our Exotica Gift Set comes with 6 unusual hot sauces featuring ingredients like nopal cactus, chocolate, and exotic chiles.
*For the North Carolina expat or anyone else who craves real NC barbecue, send them a bottle each of Bone Suckin' Sauce (for western/Lexington style BBQ) and Wells Hog Heaven BBQ Sauce (for eastern style BBQ). Visit our recently re-vamped NC Products page to see our entire selection of North Carolina products, including sauces, seasonings, country ham & other pork products.
*For the Buffalo wings addict, we offer all of the classic Anchor Bar Wing Sauces from Buffalo NY, as well as the award-winning DEFCON wing sauces in 3 different heat levels.
*Looking for stocking-stuffers or spicy munchies? Try Deano's Jalapeno Chips (crispy thin-sliced jalapenos seasoned with cheddar or Ranch), any of the 4 different flavors of Blair's Death Rain kettle-cooked potato chips (the Chipotle is my favorite), and the ever-popular Wasabi Bombs (wasabi-coated peanuts).
*For fans of the hard-to-find Nando's Chickenland products from South Africa, we have all of the Nando's Cooking Sauces, plus the Nando's Marinades AND the Nando's Peri Peri Hot Sauces.
Don't forget to enter the coupon code CarolinaXMas at checkout to save 10% off your product total. Coupon expires on 12/25/2011.
***Please note, the CAROLINAXMAS coupon doesn't apply to products purchased from our partners.***
Last-Minute Gift Ideas
We recently added Gourmet Gift Baskets and Gift Boxes available through our partners on the Carolina Sauce Company website, just in time for the holiday shopping season. Here are other excellent gift ideas from our carefully-selected partners:
*BBQ & grilling accessories for championship-quality results at home, including Laser Temperature Guns (what guy wouldn't want one?!?), smoking pellets (turns any grill into a smoker) and of course the award-winning GrillGrates, cut to fit virtually any grill.
*A wide variety of Monthly Clubs in 3-, 6-, 9- & 12-month subscriptions, including Hot Sauce of the Month (featured on the Food Network!), BBQ Sauce of the Month, and even Bacon of the Month and "Swine & Wine" clubs (click on "Monthly Clubs" to see other programs).
*Gluten-Free Guides for restaurants and grocery store products.
*Chili pepper-themed and food/cooking-themed art prints and posters.
*International gourmet items including genuine Spanish products, Italian specialties, French foods, and even Russian caviar and other elegant delicacies.
*For the hard-to-shop-for person who probably prefers to pick out their own perfect present, we offer a variety of Gift Certificates and Gift Cards redeemable on everything from hot sauce to bacon, gourmet foods to exotic meats (kangaroo, anyone?), cookware & more.
TWO Recipes: Smoked Cheese, and Mulled Cider!
Here are two easy, flavorful recipes for holiday entertaining and enjoying with the family.

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Zestfully yours,
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