Friday, December 9, 2011

"Jews for Bacon"?

File this one under "Things that make you go 'hmmm'"....

Our partner BaconFreak has quite a selection of gifts for bacon-lovers, ranging from the sublimely delicious to the amusing and downright bizarre.   One in particular falls into all of those categories simultaneously:  The Hanukkah Bacon Bundle, created "because latkes taste better with bacon. Jews for Bacon Unite!"

I'm not making this one up--click the image or link below to check it out for yourself and read their entire description:

                                                                 from: Bacon Freak

The Hanukkah Bundle from Bacon Freak does come with some mouthwatering bacon and bacon-flavored foods including hickory-smoked bacon, bacon seasoning and bacon milk chocolate, plus whimsical bacon-themed swag like a bacon wallet and a "Bacon is a Vegetable" t-shirt.  And as Bacon Freak points out, they do have some self-described bacon-loving Jews on staff. 

But I can’t help but wonder: Is the Hanukkah Bacon Bundle a light-hearted, well-intentioned gift for the right person?  Or is the whole concept of "Jews for Bacon" in poor taste?  Are you amused or offended? Leave a comment below and tell us what you think.

Zestfully yours,

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