Friday, March 19, 2010

Our Troops would Love a Taste of Home - Can You Help?

I received the following email a few days ago, and was given permission to share it here:

I have been a frequent customer as well as a multiple contributor to Operation Sauce Drop. I recently was deployed to Afghanistan and was disappointed when I went to register myself and you were not taking anymore addresses due to a backlog of 5 as of 2/10/10. Please encourage your customers to contribute to this cause. The food here is good, but could be sooo much better with a care package from Carolina Sauce.

'The Grill Sergeant' Gary L."

Operation Sauce Drop is a not for profit program run by the Carolina Sauce Company that sends free gift boxes of BBQ sauce and hot sauce to US troops serving abroad. What makes Operation Sauce Drop different from other "care packages for the troops" programs is that servicemen and women can actually select which sauces they would like to receive by choosing from several different free gift boxes of sauce. Operation Sauce Drop is funded through donations from people like you (100% of donations are used solely for the purchase and shipping of the gift boxes), and the Carolina Sauce Company covers all other costs associated with running the program. As you can imagine, deployed troops greatly appreciate the free sauces and truly enjoy receiving a taste of home to help spice up their meals -- just take a look at the many thank-you notes to donors and photos that they've sent!

To date, Operation Sauce Drop has sent free gift boxes of sauce to over 800 troops stationed abroad. Unfortunately, however, the program is currently out of funds and has a waiting list of troops who had requested gift boxes when the money ran out. And much to the disappointment of recently deployed soldiers like Grill Sergeant Gary, we can't accept any more requests from our troops until Operation Sauce Drop receives more funds.

Would you like to bring a smile to the face of a soldier stationed far from home? Please donate to Operation Sauce Drop, or shop to support Operation Sauce Drop, where a portion of the proceeds of your purchase goes directly into the Operation Sauce Drop account. If you can't afford to make a donation at this time but still want to help, you can do so by spreading the word about Operation Sauce Drop: Email or Tweet your friends about the program with a link to Operation Sauce Drop, or post an Operation Sauce Drop banner link on your Facebook page or website. The troops will thank you for your support!

Zestfully yours,

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