If you would like to place a banner link on your site, blog or forum so that people can click and make a contribution to Operation Sauce Drop, please feel free to copy the following code to generate the "Send Free Sauce" banner shown here:

<a href="http://carolinasauce.stores.yahoo.net/opsadr.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://carolinasauce.com/images/OSDBanner.jpg"></a>
If you would like to place a banner link on your site, blog or forum for military personnel to click on and sign up for a free gift box, please feel free to copy the following code for the Military Sign-Up banner shown here:

<a href="http://carolinasauce.stores.yahoo.net/misihe.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://carolinasauce.com/images/OSDBannerMil.jpg"></a>
Thank you for helping to spread the word about Operation Sauce Drop, and sending the gift of good taste to our troops!
Zestfully yours,
Great idea. I've done what I can (contribution, mails to friends, link on website) and hope this offer can continue for a while. Good luck!