Saturday, November 26, 2011

Shop Small with Carolina Sauce Company

The Carolina Sauce Company is proud to participate in Small Business Saturday today.  As many of you know, we're about as small as you get, a "Mom & Pop" online retailer based in Durham, North Carolina, with yours truly at the helm and my ever-so-patient husband "on call" whenever I get in over my head with technology (as he likes to say, I know just enough HTML to be dangerous). 

That's it, no one else. 

Most of the products we offer on our website are made by small businesses.  The warehouse we use is also a small, family-owned & operated business in NC.  Most of our Partners are small businesses, too.  So when you choose to shop with us, you're supporting a whole network of small businesses that are devoted to providing outstanding customer service and superior specialty-foods products.

Small businesses truly are the engines that drive our economy, as explained in this article about the importance of Small Business Saturday.  When you shop at small businesses like Carolina Sauce, your dollars have an immediate impact on our bottom line, and you know they're not being spent on congressional lobbyists or lavish executive compensation.

We encourage all our customers to "shop small" today, be it at the locally-owned stores in your area or by shopping online with small family-owned & operated businesses like Carolina Sauce.  And we sincerely thank you for your patronage!

Zestfully yours,

PS:  To learn more about us, please visit our recently-updated About/FAQ page

PPS:  If you like to support small businesses like Carolina Sauce, please "Like" us on Facebook, and tell your friends about us by sharing our website and page with them.

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