This month's prize is a package of Adam's Ultimate Rib Rubb (our warehouse doesn't have this product but we have ONE package available for the lucky winner).
Here's how to play the March Crock Pot Game:
*Go to our Facebook page (click "Like" if you're not already a fan) and find TODAY'S wall post announcing the Crock Pot Game, then leave a comment with your guess as to what Grandma Gert is cooking.
*Entries will close at 9pm EST today, and we'll randomly choose a winner from the correct guesses. If no one guessed correctly, then we'll randomly choose a winner from all the folks who commented.
To help you guess, here are three clues:
(1) This is a photo of what Grandma Gert is cooking:
(2) The prize is NOT one of the ingredients used in the recipe
(3) Grandma Gert is cooking a dish that relates to something in March
Good luck, thanks for playing, and make sure to check the Carolina Sauce Facebook page after 9pm to see if you've won!
Zestfully yours,
PS: We'll play a new Crock Pot Game on the 1st of each month, so be on the lookout for the next game on April 1st.
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