Saturday, July 21, 2012

Curried Cauliflower with Onions & Almonds

Greg threw together this simple, Indian-inspired vegetarian dish the other night, using some of the marvelously fragrant and flavorful curry powder he had purchased in India and a gorgeous head of organic cauliflower I purchased at Whole Foods.

While it is true that many cooks in India grind and combine different spices each time they make a dish that we here would categorize as "curry," it's also not unusual for some to buy pre-mixed curry blends to save time and effort. The commercial curry powders we've gotten in India are far superior in freshness and flavor than the mass-produced, "dumbed-down" American supermarket versions.

If you live in a city which has an Indian grocery or market, you might be able to find a bottle of high-quality curry powder there along with some ghee (clarified butter)--but even if all you have is McCormick's and vegetable oil this cauliflower will still taste quite good. The dish will only be as spicy as the curry powder you use. If you want a hotter, spicier flavor, simply throw in some diced fresh jalapeno or other hot pepper of your choice when you add the garlic.

Simply Organic - Curry Powder - 3.00 oz. (Pack of 3)
Buy curry powder
1 large head of cauliflower, rinsed, trimmed & broken into florets
2 Tbs ghee or vegetable oil
1 onion, sliced
6 to 8 cloves garlic, minced
1 Tbs pureed ginger*
1 Tbs curry powder
1 Tbs sliced almonds
Salt to taste

Combine the ghee or oil, ginger and curry powder in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. When the ghee has melted (or the oil is hot), stir in the onion & garlic and saute until just softened. Add the cauliflower and stir to coat all the florets. Cover, reduce heat to medium and cook until the cauliflower is tender, stirring occasionally. As it cooks, the cauliflower will release a little liquid which should keep everything moist. If it starts getting too dry, add a tablespoon or so of water. When the cauliflower is tender, stir in the almonds, taste and season with salt as desired. Makes 4 to 6 servings as a side dish.

Zestfully yours,

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