Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Thoughts

On this Memorial Day, while many of us are enjoying BBQ and grilling with family and friends, let's not forget the true meaning of Memorial Day, a day to remember and honor those brave men and women throughout our history who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Set aside some time to reflect on the many sacrifices that our servicemen and women have made throughout history -- and continue to make today -- to keep us safe and free back home. Say a prayer if you're so inclined, or simply send thoughts of gratitude and respect for their courage and willingness to lay down their lives for us in the line of duty. If you know a veteran, take a moment today to say "Thank you for your service." If you know someone serving abroad, let them know you're thinking of them. Go ahead and enjoy the festivities today, but don't lose sight of the purpose of this national holiday.

Zestfully yours,
Operation Sauce Drop

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