Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Easy Tip for Shaping Meatballs Quickly & Evenly

20070401 meatballs 03
Flickr photo by jspatchwork
Make beautifully round, evenly-shaped meatballs that are all the same size using these 3 simple steps (loosely based on the method for making sliced sushi rolls):

1. After mixing together all the ingredients for your meatballs, shape the meat mixture into one or more cigar-shaped rolls or cylinders that are the same diameter as the diameter of meatball that you want to make. For example, if your recipe calls for 1 1/2" diameter meatballs, each cylinder should be 1 1/2" in diameter/width. The length doesn't matter, so go with whatever is practical.

2. Cut off slices that are the same width as the diameter of meatball you want to make, e.g., for 1 1/2" diameter meatballs, cut each cylinder into slices every 1 1/2" down its length.

3. Roll each slice into a round ball.

That's it - now cook those pretty meatballs!

Zestfully yours,
Carolina Sauce Company

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